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Osteopathic Treatment
What is the Nature of Osteopathic Treatment ?
Osteopathic treatment is a therapeutic procedure based on application of osteopathic principles, which are the core of the science of Osteopathy. Osteopathic treatment is a natural organic means through which your body can return to health.
As a therapeutic procedure Osteopathic treatment consists of complete osteopathic assessment and hands-on treatment aiming to integrate all tissues and systems of the physical body.
Osteopathic treatment is a safe, efficient and effective hands-on therapeutic method which will restore proper body mechanics, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, facilitate the production of cerebro-spinal fluid and enhance the health of nerve conductivity thus enhancing neurological balance of Central and Autonomic Nervous System.
The aim of Osteopathic treatment is to help re-establish body’s communication through better mechanics and enhanced physiology of all the systems of the body. This kind of osteopathic normalization allows for enhanced immune system helping the body with repairs and with on-going processes to maintain internal balance.
In summary, osteopathic treatment enables the expression of your physique, enhance vitality of all the tissues in the body, and is a doorway to the connection of body, mind and spirit.